Happy women’s day to all women in this world

Women is a broad subject to think, write and discuss. It is a big task when you think to write something on women like where to start, how to start, where to end etc. I think there is no need of discussion of women safety, women empowerment, women rights, women equality because there is so much to discuss and write on these subjects. Today I want to talk on the subject which we never think and if we start to think in this direction which I am going to write then, this world will become a better place for women. As a woman, we always need a change from society but we never think to start a change from our side. We never thought that if someone really change the society then only a woman can do that change as a mother or as a sister, may be as a friend.

A Mother plays a key role in a development or growth of her child in this world. A Mother is women who can develop her son in a manner by which a child learn to give respect to women, can give equality to women, can provide safety to women. In this society, there are also exception, where husband is not giving respect to his wife but is it related to upbringing of Husband? May be or may not be. Even if “may be chances is 1%, then also, how can we expect change in society? The message here is as a Mother, she can teach her child to respect his wife, his female friends and colleagues at a same way she is teaching a kid to respect herself. This is a small step but can make huge difference in society.

Many of mother in laws give advice to their daughter in law that male are like that only, all male have hyper temper, all are using abusive words, They work a lot and frustrated due to their office work that’s why they become aggressive in front of their wife. They consider that it is normal. Is this a fair practice? obviously not, we are making a culture by doing take things in a light or routine manner. We have to take this small small things seriously for betterment of society. Your wife is your life partner and not your property whom you can use as you needed. We have to teach this to our sons to provide a healthy and happy environment not only to our daughter-in-laws but our daughters too.

Be a part of change and start from your own home as a mother of child. Just think! can we not create a good and healthy environment in our society for other woman? As a mother we can do this change through awareness for next generation. Nothing can be changed in a second, in minute or a day. Every change will take time, let’s initiate so we can do it for betterment of whole society by changing our thought process from today.

On a contrary, we all know very well to grow a daughter but here I just want to add that don’t unnecessarily force her to learn house hold things because it is not a big deal now a days. Give her liberty to do the things in which she is interested and don’t put a society thoughts on her brain. People will think what they want to, we need not to think what they are thinking or they will think. Don’t advice her to let go the things and make habit to bear some pain just because she is woman. Yes she is woman and a normal human being with more emotionally senses than men. Make her independent and encourage her to take every toughest decision in her life.

These are only my suggestions one can do and apply in the routine life if they found it correct and wish a positive changes for women in society and our own family. We can not change yesterday but we can today and tomorrow. Instead of expect from men for a create better society for women let’s try by ourselves.

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